Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR efforts are focused on improving the quality of life of underprivileged communities neighboring our business operations. Our interventions focus on health, education, disabled welfare, empower women, natural disaster management relief. Directly and indirectly we are impacting thousand lives on a daily basis through our CSR programs. We are committed to the welfare of our society through our CSR programs from starting to end. In line with Polymed philosophy of business enterprises being the drivers of social upliftment.


Promote and Provide Quality Education

Education Promotion

Polymed has been backing up multiple education projects all around the nation. The aim here is to promote and provide quality education to all. Polymed also offers scholarships to more than 150 students across the country every year along with providing the needy students with basic school supplies.

Healthcare Sector

Polymed has extensively funded in healthcare arena. The initiative was carried to provide all-round medical facilities, especially in the rural areas. We have also carried out free Ayurveda, Homeopathic Medical check- up and Yoga Camp.


To Provide All-Round Medical Facilities

Social Welfare

Taken up many Social Welfare Initiatives

Disabled welfare

Polymed has taken up social welfare initiatives such as cleanliness campaigns, empowerment of specially-abled people, and rehabilitation programs. We have also constructed toilets and drinking water tanks in various schools. Working with blind school and artificial limb centre and environmental sustainability has also been carried forward by Polymed.

Empower women

Polymed has always strived to end the gender-based bias towards women and make them independent. We have carried out several entrepreneurship awareness drives for women. Initiatives such as Project Bala has been operated from time to time to make sure young girls are educated about female hygiene.


Entrepreneurship awareness drives for women


Providing Timely Aid

Food Relief

We, at Polymed, understand the criticality when it comes to providing timely aid (such as supplying clean water and food) to those affected in times of natural calamities.

Animal Protection

Lives of those who cannot speak human language is important too. Thus, we, at Polymed, have teamed up with organizations to spay and neuter stray animals (like cats and dogs) and provide them with shelter and food


Lives of those who Cannot Speak Human Language